Capital Campaign for Grace United Urban Ministries Neighborhood Resource Center

Join Us Today in Serving the Unhoused with Dignity on the East Side

Capital Campaign for Grace United Urban Ministries Neighborhood Resource Center image

Urgent Capital Campaign

n December of 2023, our Resource Center in the Capitol Hill area burned to the point we had to shut down operations serving the area homeless populations. We served over 300 people per week that now have no where to go for clothing, showers, hot meals, assistance in getting official identification, life coaching, and other vital case management services to not only survive but thrive and be reintegrated back into regular society.

It has been our experience that property owners basically refuse to lease to non-profits that do the great work of ministering to the homeless, addicted and broken. This is why after months of searching, that we have come to the conclusion that it is best to purchase our own building.

This property at 1410 Milam Ct on the NE side of OKC is a former church building that would serve as an ideal Resource Center to minister to the poverty stricken community. A place to do case management, hand out clothing, serve meals, and conduct the Radical Life Transformation Program as we did in our previous building before it burned down.

This property, 1410 Milam Ct OKC, or one similar to it, could get us back to serving the unhoused and get them housed with the opportunity to build transitional housing to assist and support them until they can get into permanent housing.

Are you one of many that it will take to join us to purchase this building or one similar to serve as our new Resource Center.

Grace United Urban Ministries is a 501(c)3 organization. For more information please call Wayne and Donna Heins at 405.964.5100 or email We would be glad to visit with you.

Visit our web site

Watch a News 9 Video about the burn-out and total loss of our previous homeless ministry Resource Center